Kaiser-Frazer Color Codes - 601 to 700
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This page is here to give you access to the color codes 601 to 700.  The link attached to each color code will take you to the "Basic Color" page for that code.  If the color code represents a two-tone color code the top (U) will link to the upper Basic Color and the (L) will link to the lower Basic Color.

S E L E C T   A   C O L O R  C O D E  to bring up information related to it.
Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code

601 (U)
601 (L)

611 621 (U)
621 (L)
631 (U)
631 (L)
641 (U)
641 (L)
651 661 671 681 691
602 612 (U)
612 (L)
622 (U)
622 (L)
632 (U)
632 (L)
642 (U)
642 (L)
652 662 672 682 692
603 613 (U)
613 (L)
623 (U)
623 (L)
633 (U)
633 (L)
643 653 663 673 683 693
604 614 (U)
614 (L)
624 (U)
624 (L)
634 (U)
634 (L)
644 654 664 674 684 694
605 (U)
605 (L)
615 (U)
615 (L)
625 (U)
625 (L)
635 (U)
635 (L)
645 (U)
645 (L)
655 (U)
655 (L)
665 (U)
665 (L)
675 (U)
675 (L)
685 (U)
685 (L)
606 616 626 (U)
626 (L)
636 (U)
636 (L)
646 656 666 676 686 696
607 617 (U)
617 (L)
627 (U)
627 (L)

637 (U)
637 (L)

647 657 667 677 687 697
608 618 628 (U)
628 (L)
638 (U)
638 (L)
648 658 668 678 688 698
609 (U)
609 (L)
619 (U)
619 (L)
629 (U)
629 (L)
639 (U)
639 (L)
649 659 669 679 689 699

610 (U)
610 (L)

620 (U)
620 (L)
630 (U)
630 (L)
640 (U)
640 (L)
650 (U)
650 (L)
660 (U)
660 (L)
670 (U)
670 (L)
680 (U)
680 (L)
690 700
