Kaiser-Frazer Data Plates


The serial plate on the hinge post of the driver's side door tells us several things.
  First it identifies when in the year the car was assemble and second where it was assembled.

NOW find your Serial Number Plate.  Open up your driver door.  Look between the door hinges.  
That little siver plate is your Serial Number Plate.

Look on the driver's side door hinge post ... see the Serial Plate??

Example Serial Number Plate from a 1952 Henry J Vagabond
This serial plate is from a 1952 Henry J Vagabond.

As stated in the KF Handbook:   If the car was assembled at a plant other than Willow Run, Michigan,
the serial number tag will have an additional alphabet letter.

An example of such a tag could be:

The “J” shown indicates that the car was assembled at the Kaiser-Frazer assembly plant
operating in Kawasaki, Japan. Other letters at this position identify the other regular assembly
plants operated by Kaiser-Frazer or subsidiary companies:

A – Long Beach, California (1949-51 model years, Kaiser and Frazer only)
B – Jackson, Michigan (1951 Frazer Manhattans and small numbers of 1951 or 1953 Kaiser Dragon)*
C – Portland, Oregon (1951 and 1952 Virginian series Kaiser)
H – Haifa, Israel (1951 – 54 Kaiser and Henry J)
J – Kawasaki, Japan (1951-53 Henry J, perhaps Kaisers also)
M – Mexico City, Mexico (1951-53 Kaiser and Henry J)-distributor owned & operated
R – Rotterdam, Holland (1949-51 Frazer and 1949-54 Kaiser)
T – Leaside (Toronto) Canada (1951 and 1952 Virginian series Kaiser)
I – Bombay, India (1948-49 Kaiser and Frazer)-distributor owned & operated

Here is a picture of the firewall on a 53 Kaiser Manhattan
This is a photo from a 53 Kaiser Manhattan.  Up in the the middle of the firewall is the Body Tag Plate.  Below it is the Body Number Plate.
